Many would think that beating an illness such as breast cancer would be cause for celebration, and give others a reason to admire you for.
That was not the case for author Linda Washington. Throughout and after her full recovery from breast cancer, she received zero support from anyone, friend or otherwise. Linda felt like she was not seen as a woman anymore due to the removal of her breasts, a necessary procedure for her full recovery. She withdrew from the dating pool for ten years, afraid of the physical and emotional toll it would take on her.
As a breast cancer survivor, Linda knew she was not alone in the journey it took for her to start dating again. Washington wants to use her personal experience to help survivors of breast cancer thrive after recovery. She wants to instill love in their hearts through stories, delivering the message that it gets better.
So, Washington wrote a book called Forbidden and Broken: Finding Love Behind the Scars. She details her experiences as a breast cancer patient and survivor, everything from diagnosis to post treatment. It unveils the truth about most women’s experiences after surviving breast cancer, and how they are treated by others. The detail in the book was intentional, in order to help other women feel like they are not alone on their breast cancer journey and recovery process. Washington wants other women to live life motivated even after they lose their breasts. As the title says, Washington is a believer in finding love even after the battle scars from fighting cancer.
Washington credits music for healing her completely. Her new single, “Forever Linda” featuring Superstar Lamar, is a song about being beautiful inside and out no matter the pain you have been through. Washington has also released two songs called “Missing You” and “Love Again,” again featuring Superstar Lamar. The songs are about finding a newfound purpose after breast cancer recovery, an experience that she and countless breast cancer survivors share.

Linda Washington wants to spread the message that survivors of breast cancer are more than just that; they are people who deserve love, hope, and respect. Through sharing her personal story, Washington wants other women to know that they, too, deserve a life filled with joy and love after their battle with cancer. She hopes that her platform will inspire other breast cancer patients to live life to the fullest after treatment, and thrive beyond their struggle.
To keep up with Linda you can visit her website here.