A proud citizen of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma Dr. Lisa Christiansen is a force of nature. As former United States Presidential Advisor, actress of the classic movie “Where the Red Fern Grows”, and NLP Expert it comes as no surprise that Christiansen is also a National Living Treasure.

Lisa, due to a pivotal moment when her father Mack Vann passed April 22, 2019, has continued his legacy in keeping culture and tradition at the foundation of her life through her newfound journey of designing and creating Native American jewelry. This news is no surprise given her 5th generation great grandfather is Sequoyah, the creator of the Cherokee Syllabary, whose legacy is the focus of a new generation of native speakers. Christiansen is bringing together traditional pieces inspired by a combination of artisans saying “there is much to learn from all tribes as we embrace each other for a better future”. Lisa has demanded the right to free expression and the art world began to listen. Lisa has created a line of jewelry where tradition meets modern through couture masterpieces.
Keetoowah Citizen Lisa Christiansen has partnered with her mentor, master craftsman, Robb McFall of Brothers Jewelers to bring you Blue Wolf Designs. When asked how she decided on Blue Wolf Designs Christiansen responded “I am from the Blue People Clan and my daddy is from the Wolf Clan. Every piece is unique, handcrafted, and inspired by my Keetoowah heritage, and of course, my daddy.”

When asked why Lisa chose to partner with Robb McFall her answer was so matter of fact. Christiansen said “my daddy always taught me always remember where you came from to know where you are headed and that also means never leave anyone behind when they give you the gift of a skill set that you are going to share for generations to come. Besides, how can I go wrong? Robb mcfall is self-taught, he has worked with the most prestigious jewelry stores in the world before opening his own business to offer his creative talents and express his unique style of one-of-a-kind couture pieces. Robb mcfall has over 50 years of experience and is self taught. I had a vision to bring tradition and culture to life, and it’s original form, and also bring tradition and culture with a modern design for you in gold or silver. I chose Robb because His skills are rare in the world of couture jewelry making and designs as he designs and handcrafts all his personally made masterpieces. Who better to partner with than the one who continues to teach me every day, I realize that I will always be learning as we all are, and who better than my Mentor to partner with to bring you the best of the best.”

You can purchase these works of art at the John Hair Cultural Center and Keetoowah Museum gift shop. The John Hair Cultural Center and Keetoowah Museum is the central holding place for all history and cultural objects for the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians. Visitors will find permanent and temporary exhibits within the building, as well as a gift shop with authentic, handmade Keetoowah items. The 1949 Keetoowah Base Roll is also on display for visitors to the museum who wish to trace their family names. Christiansen’s lineage is a part of the original1949 Keetoowah Base Roll. The JHCCM is managed by Director Ernestine Berry. For museum inquiries related to exhibits, cultural items or the gift shop, call 918-871-2866. You can also purchase Blue Wolf Designs by Lisa Christiansen at Brothers Jewelers in Siloam Springs, Arkansas 479-524-9362.
Christiansen supports peer artists as pictured below in the photo taken at the John Hair Cultural Center and Keetoowah Museum with Miss Indian Bacone 2023-2024 Olivia Sunshine Briggs. Lisa is wearing earrings by Ren McCulley handmade with hand hammered copper discs, copper beads, and copper wire with hand rolled, handmade clay beads. According to Ren McCulley Once the clay is harvested and processed for use, the beads are formed around a thin, clean twig. If the clay is of fine quality, the beads are removed from the twig after being air-dried. Lower qualities of clay are left on the twig as they enter the firing; the twig then burns away and leaves the bead behind. “Cherokees started using copper nearly 10,000 years ago and clay beads have always been a part of our culture for everything from weaponry, pottery, to adornments” Christiansen said. The ribbon skirt Lisa is wearing is made by The Sweetest Native, and the remainder of the jewelry is handcrafted by master artisan Robb McFall of Brothers Jewelers and of course Lisa’s very own handmade creations as her newly established business Blue Wolf Designs.

The oldest cultural institution in the nation’s capital, the Library of Congress occupies a unique place in American civilization. Established as a legislative library in 1800, it grew into a national institution in the nineteenth century, a product of American cultural nationalism.
The Library of Congress provides Congress with objective research to inform the legislative process, administers the national copyright system, and manages the largest collection of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in the world.
The Author of Just A Little Girl From Tahlequah: Lisa Christiansen’s Journey To The White House Lisa Christine (Groundhog) Christiansen is born into the Keetoowah Nighthawk Society, a rare occurrence, is the first Cherokee Keetoowah Nighthawk to release an autobiography. This autobiography is considered historical because it is registered at the copyright office in Washington, D.C. and the Library of Congress. Christiansen is a citizen of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma. The Keetoowah Nighthawk Society was a Cherokee organisation formed ca. 1900 that intended to preserve and practice traditional “old ways” of tribal life, based on religious nationalism. It was led by Redbird Smith, a Cherokee National Council and original Keetoowah Society member.
Just A Little Girl From Tahlequah: Lisa Christiansen’s Journey To The White House Library of Congress Registration Number: TX0009307610 / Date:2023-08-16 copyright catalog (1978-present) at DC4. What makes this unique, Mary Ann (Groundhog) Eslinger, the mother of Lisa Christiansen is also cataloged and registered at the Library of Congress Registration Number: A584376 / Date: 10Nov74for her book Gi-Dee-Thlo-Ah-Ee of the Blue People Clan. The title is named after Lisa Christiansen as Lisa’s birth name is Gi-Dee-Thlo-Ah-Ee Groundhog. Mary Ann’s book is historically significant for its genealogical and lineage education. Christiansen is part of the 49 Roll with a lineage that according to the DAWES Roll confirms her direct lineage to historically significant figures throughout history.
This book “Just A Little Girl From Tahlequah: Lisa Christiansen’s Journey To The White House” is a gripping auto-biography of the arduous journey Dr. Lisa Christine Christiansen took to make her way from almost having been aborted three times to becoming one of the most influential and controversial Native American Cherokee women from the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma. Christiansen is born from the Keetoowah Nighthawk Society, blue people clan to a long lineage of historically significant women and men. Most notably, her 5th generation great-grandfather Sequoyah “George ‘Gist’ Guess” and NASA’S Mary Golda Ross – the first known Native American female engineer and the first female engineer in the history of Lockheed. She was one of the 40 founding engineers of Lockheed’s renowned and highly secretive Skunk Works project. Both are direct descendants of Christiansen’s mother, Mary Ann Groundhog. Lisa’s grandfather, the father of Mary Ann Groundhog was a WWII Codetalker decorated with 3 bronze star medals, a “V” device which distinguishes heroism or valor in combat, a World War II victory medal, a combat infantryman badge first award, an honorable service lapel button WWII, and two purple hearts. George Washington Groundhog also founded the OCCO the acronym defines the Original Cherokee community organization. Christiansen is also a distant cousin of Will Rogers. William Penn Adair Rogers (November 4, 1879 – August 15, 1935) he was an American stage and film actor, vaudeville performer, cowboy, humorist, newspaper columnist, and social commentator from Oklahoma. He was a Cherokee citizen born in the Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory. Lisa Christiansen is an extraordinary athlete, a gifted speaker, and seems to have inherited these traits from her ancestors as Christiansen is cited in numerous law reviews. One unique trait is Lisa’s passion to give to others.

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30: Lisa Christiansen, Human Trafficking of Native American Women in 2015,
You can find “Just A Little Girl From Tahlequah: Lisa Christiansen’s Journey To The White House” at The John Hair Cultural Center In Tahlequah, Oklahoma. You can also order online from your favorite bookstore or Amazon. Get your copy today, “Just A Little Girl From Tahlequah: Lisa Christiansen’s Journey To The White House” comes in both hardcover and paperback for your convenience. With special thanks to interviewer and co-Author Phil Kapelyus.