She’s pregnant for crying out loud!
Following Rihanna‘s Super Bowl performance on February 12, the former 45th President of the United States Donald Trump had some extremely inflammatory comments to make about her everything- stage presence, outfit, voice, language, and insinuated that she is a disgrace to the United States as a whole. This comment is no stranger to the online feud the President and the Barbadian singer have had since 2020. Rihanna famously spray-painted a car to say “F*** Trump,” and sent him several messages on Twitter bashing him for not tightening gun control laws.

The funniest response to the Tweet came from California Representative Maxine Waters, who said “Donald Trump is just mad because the multibillionaire Rihanna is richer than he is, and also more talented. You go girl!”
Millions of Rihanna fans, also known as the Rihanna Navy, came to the singer’s defense. User @JakesNewLens said “Rihanna had to sue Trump to stop using her music at rallies a few years ago lol.” Nancy Lee Grahn, General Hospital star, also roasted the President, saying “The whole world is loving Rihanna right now. Except Trump, crying in his Diet Coke.”