“Flowers” by Miley Cyrus is an anthem reminding women that it is necessary to love yourself and treat yourself with care after a painful breakup. Catching mainstream media attention everywhere, the song became an instant hit from the 30-year-old songwriter. The song reflects on the ideal of self-love, especially after something emotionally jarring like a breakup, because it is necessary to give oneself time to heal and to feel whole after this type of emotional experience. The song’s title, “Flowers,” is a representation of the traditional bouquet that a man would give to a woman- but, after a breakup, women must buy themselves flowers, meaning they should treat themselves with care.

Rebecca Ray, vocal coach and YouTuber with over 1.5 million subscribers, puts her own take on Miley Cyrus’s inspirational song. She takes the pop anthem and transforms it into a Bond melody, complete with dramatic instrumentals and captivating singsong vocals. Ray has had the idea to transform a famous pop song into a Bond theme for a while, but evidently no songs made the cut until Cyrus’s “Flowers.”

Rebecca is also a vocal coach, reacting to famous songs on YouTube that are covered by other aspiring singers, famous rock anthems, Kpop, and more. She provides critique and commentary on her various subjects’ vocal abilities, providing entertainment and advice to her audience.