Home Entertainment J. M. Pozon: The Talented Writer Behind the Amazon’s Best-Selling Book “Setting Fire to the Darkness”

J. M. Pozon: The Talented Writer Behind the Amazon’s Best-Selling Book “Setting Fire to the Darkness”

by eyesonhollywood

J. M. Pozon, the author of “Setting Fire to The Darkness” The romance novel that gave “Fifty Shades of Grey.” a run for its money; has set a release date for book # 2.

Cameron’s Inferno The long-awaited sequel and Second installment in the author’s romance series is due to hit store shelves next March.

Following in the steps of Setting Fire to the Darkness, “Cameron’s Inferno.”  will tap into the same entanglement of Crime, murder, sex, desire and grandiose luxury that made Setting fire, so popular among readers.

A Word from her Readers

“Cameron’s Inferno’ was one of the most asked-about books that I queried by all my clients last spring,” said Kellen Hicks a literary agent, who scouts material for literary publishing companies. Post-pandemic, people are looking for easy escapism, entertainment that pulls them from the burdensome mundaneness of everyday life. Author J.M. Pozon is a master of tapping into that. She creates storylines that really draw you into this fantasy world.”

One reader compared, J. M. Pozon writing style to that of having an out-of-body experience. “I couldn’t put the book down. I just had to know how the story ended for Cameron and Evangelina. When I finally finished, I was only disappointed that it wasn’t more of it to read.”

I devoured the book in three days, and I immediately flagged it for my “Black Woman Who Read” book Club. The ladies also finished reading at lightning speed and couldn’t wait to discuss.”

Black girl Rising magazine dubbed J. M. Pozon as one of the most prolific up and coming writers of our time. J. M.’s writing is complex. She takes Dark and Gritty, wrapping it in sexy, topping it off with edge of your seat action.”

Well, there you have it folks!!! There is no doubt that “Cameron’s Inferno” is the book to look out for this coming spring.

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