The globally renowned hypno-magician, IMAD, is making unprecedented breakthroughs in modern day life, solving everyday situations with a blend of hypnosis and magic.
Merging the mystery of magic and the wonder of hypnosis, Imad has amazed his audience through his social media. The amusement and allure of his craft has caught the eyes of many star-studded viewers including Ludacris, Charlie Sheen and 50 Cent, and has attracted over 500 million social media views. His feature in the Daily Mail elevated him to a level to where he had the opportunity to travel to LA and change people’s lives with his innovative skills.

Imagine your fears melting away and clarity emerging. Picture yourself losing weight, feeling confident, removing doubt, moving past painful experiences and embodying happiness. Imad can make this happen. In less than 30 minutes, he can hypnotize and immerse an individual in a state of heightened awareness, focus and suggestibility. “Hypnosis is not a magic spell! In hypnosis, a person’s conscious and subconscious minds are focused and receptive to suggestions.” says Imad. “Hypno Magic is the combination for me of magic, hypnosis and energy.” His skills expand beyond just these examples, as each session and experience is tailored to each individual.
As his popularity has grown, the world has demanded a display of Imad’s hypnotic and magical solutions in a Nationwide tour of America. Unlocking the mind but keeping his secrets to himself, Imad is truly a magician who is paving the way in his industry! Imad is constantly innovating and rendering his audiences speechless as he continues to evolve his work. Follow Imad on Instagram and Facebook where you can spiral into the mystique of his entertaining display! He will make you question if what you are experiencing is real or just an illusion.