In today’s world, the concept of a hyphenated nationality has become commonplace. It refers to the practice of adding a hyphen between two nationalities to describe one’s identity.
For instance, Asian-American, African-American, or Mexican-American. While this may seem like a harmless way to honor and celebrate one’s heritage, it inadvertently creates a divisive culture that does more harm than good. In her book Hyphened-Nation™, Nicole Draffen brilliantly illustrates the dangers of this practice and why moving away from hyphenated nationality is crucial for a united America.
Draffen’s narrative is clear and compelling. Hyphenated nationalities perpetuate the idea of otherness, creating a false sense of separation between people. Rather than promoting unity and diversity, it highlights our differences and accentuates them. Moreover, hyphenated nationalities force individuals to identify with two opposing cultures, causing confusion and a lack of identity. Instead of feeling a sense of belonging, they feel like outsiders in both communities.

Draffen argues that the hyphenated nationality trend emerged as a response to historical oppression and discrimination. It was a way for marginalized groups to assert their identity and demand recognition. However, she contends that it is now time to move past this practice and embrace a new narrative, one that emphasizes a shared American identity. “Our national identity should be one of unity and equality, not of division and separation,” she writes. The book is meticulously researched and supported by compelling arguments. Draffen provides numerous examples and anecdotes to illustrate the harmful effects of hyphenated nationalities.

Draffen’s book is not just an argument against hyphenated nationalities. It is also a call to action for a new way of thinking about our national identity. She argues that we should embrace a narrative of inclusion and unity, one that acknowledges our differences but also emphasizes our shared humanity. This means moving away from labels and categories and recognizing that we are all Americans, regardless of our ancestry.
In conclusion, Hyphened-Nation™ is a must-read for anyone interested in promoting unity and diversity in America. Draffen’s arguments are well-researched, compelling, and thought-provoking. She challenges us to rethink our national identity and move past the divisive practice of hyphenated nationalities. Ultimately, her message is one of hope and optimism, as she believes that a united America is not only possible but essential for our future success.