The eyes are generally considered the most beautiful part of the body. They are seen as windows to your soul, I and very few people decline to comment on a pair of striking eyes. Fortunately, they are also the easiest of features to enhance. So read on and discover how to make those eyes really pop and catch attention. When you are first learning how to apply eyeliner, it can be one of the trickiest tasks to master. But when it is applied properly, the overall effects…

When you are first learning how to apply eyeliner, it can be one of the trickiest tasks to master. But when it is applied properly, the overall effects can be absolutely amazing. Skillful application of different eyeliner can help make your eyes look more evenly spaced, thus giving a better balance to your entire face, and this is only one of the benefits. The following tips will cover several aspects of eyeliner, including how to chose the right eyeliner for your eyes, and how to properly apply it to your eyes.
Choosing the Right Eyeliner
Like all beauty care products, choosing the right eyeliner is simple if you already know the effects you hope to accomplish by wearing it. In addition to helping balance the face, eyeliner is also meant to give lashes more depth, and make them appear thicker than they really are. Although there are two types of eyeliner, liquid and pencil form, it is recommended to only use pencil form on the lower lids of the eyes. Eyeliner in liquid form is most effective when only used on the top lids of your eyes.
When choosing the color of your eyeliner, you should always chose a color that complements the eye shadow you are going to use, but be sure it is a color that is flattering to your natural eye color. With brown eyes, the darker colors of eyeliner prove to work best, and with blue eyes, the softer colors tend to be most flattering.

Pencil Form Eyeliner versus Liquid Form
As mentioned before, eyeliner comes in two forms, pencil and liquid. Pencil eyeliner creates a soft definition to the eyes, while liquid eyeliner tends to offer more precision, and a more dramatic effect. When trying to chose which form of eyeliner to use, keep in mind the overall look you hope to accomplish.
Pencil form eyeliner is more popular, in part because it is easier to use. Liquid eyeliner requires practice in order to apply it correctly.

How to Apply Eyeliner – the Basics
To apply eyeliner correctly, you need to maker sure you have applied all other make-up first. If you apply your other make up on top of the eyeliner, it not only takes away from the effects, but during the application process, your eyeliner could get smudged or smeared.
Once you have all your other make-up on, make sure you have a good mirror and appropriate lighting, then begin. In one smooth motion, draw a thin line from one side of your eyelid to the other, remaining as close as you can to your eyelash line. How thick you chose to make that line will have a bearing on your final results.
Eyeliner is an inexpensive addition to your collection of beauty care products and can show stunning results ñ now you know how to catch attention and draw those admiring gazes.