Mississippi is typically considered the most right-wing Christian state in the United States. 83% of adults are considered highly religious Christians. Of those surveyed 75% of those same adults represented that they prayed and read the bible daily. It is then without surprise that the state of Mississippi met to discuss and consequently ban the horror film The Baphomet Seance for the second time. Th film was originally banned in 1983 at the time of the infamous Satanic Panic.
Along with banning The Baphomet Seance in 1983, the state successfully banned the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons and heavy metal music suspected of having hidden Satanic messages hidden in the music. It was discovered that the satanic messages could be found by playing the music backwards.
They are about to ban the film again for a second time. State and city councils have convened to discuss multiple petitions to prevent the film from being shown in local theaters. Protestors to the potential ban also were present arguing that the people have the right to choose for themselves whether to see the film. If the protestors are able to overturn the decision to ban The Baphomet Seance film this will be the first time the film will be available to be seen in the state of Mississippi.
Tennessee is currently in the process of considering banning the film as well. Several local church congregations have voted to boycott selected movie theaters should they choose to book the film for public screenings.
The Baphomet Seance is a film that was created sometime in the late 1970’s or early 1980s. The films more than just a scary movie. The origin of the film is not entirely clear. The film purports to be an instructional film teaching the participants how they may unlock a secret ritual allowing the viewer to talk with the dead (and the devil himself.). The film has drawn extensive criticism as it has very strong occult, possibly even Satanic messaging. Some viewers have even suggested that the film itself is cursed.
The leadership of the churches in the area have bonded together in an attempt to prevent The Baphomet Seance from being shown stating that the rituals depicted in the film praise Satanism. These religious leaders are adamant that the film is harmful to the community.

“The name Baphomet is another name for the devil.” Instructs Elder Terry Campbell of Temple Baptist in Hattiesburg, “This film The Baphomet Seance is a direct mockery of the things we believe and hold dear.” Many other religious leaders in the area felt similar. One leader who chose to remain anonymous pointed out that if the local churches don’t stand up to damaging films like The Baphomet Seance that similar Satanic media influences would continue to grow.
Whether the film is inspired by Satanic rituals or not is something beyond the scope of this article to determine. But it is clear that the demonic nature of this film has many concerned for the welfare of their youth. Supporters of the film argue that the film will be clearly marked with an adult rating to protect underage viewers from participating in the film. While those wanting to ban the seance movie are suggesting that youth intrigued by the subject matter may sneak in out of curiosity. They argue that having The Baphomet Seance in their community is simply not worth the risk.
Questions around censorship of movies has been around as long as the film industry itself. Many films similar with similar content matter to The Baphomet Seance were considering for similar bans due to the extreme or offensive nature of the content. Some were banned and others were almost prohibited. The film The Exorcist is a good example. Like The Baphomet Seance, the film The Exorcist also dealt with the subject of possession by satanic influences and demons. Ultimately the film was allowed to be shown publicly and went onto to become a cinema classic. Whether The Baphomet Seance movie will rise to memorial structure int he cinema remains to be seen, but defenders of the forbidden footage movement maintain it still deserves to be seen by the public who dare to do so.
A spokesperson for The Baphomet Seance did not return our request for more information on the film.
The film is scheduled to screen in selected theaters across the United States and Canada in the fall of 2024.
More information can be found about this film at www.TheBaphometSeance.com
What is your opinion on films being outright banned due to religious content? Please share your comments below.
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