Joseph Cohen, a rising film actor from Cardiff, Wales, recently confirmed he will be starring in a new series that is currently in development status. Joseph recently finished a series of new short film projects including “Yours or Mine,” “Nice Expectations,” “Resolutions,” and “Pan Tau.” Joseph has been training in the Young Actors Studio at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and also has plans to pursue a professional acting career in the Hollywood entertainment industry soon. We had the chance to ask Joseph about his latest projects and to give us some special shout-outs. Read below to find out more and keep up with Actor Joseph Cohen on official social sites!
Joseph, having worked on so many memorable projects, do you have any special shout outs to give?

“I would pretty much shout out every one I’ve worked with, as they all deserve a chance to shine. This doesn’t just apply to the projects I’ve done, but to the people in my classes too. They’re all quite talented and deserve a chance. In fact, I’m working on a screenplay right now, and if possible, I’d like to write parts with them all in it. You can find them on my résumé, whether it be on my filmography or in my showreels.
For the ones who aren’t on my resumé yet, I’ll give them a shout out. Firstly, I’ll shout out an actress and friend of mine, Andrea Puscasu, whom I’ll be working with on a film very soon. I think I’ll shout out everyone who’s in that project too, because they’ve all worked very hard. I’ll shout out Maeve Diamond, an accent coach who helped me to do Southern Irish earlier this year. Finally, from my university, I’ll shout out two people who have started their own production company called Creative Creature Productions. Their names are Molly Bews and Daisy Mae-Jones. I’ll shout them out and anyone who works for them, as I’ve seen them perform several times and they’re really good.” – Joseph Cohen (2024)