Western Pennsylvania Entrepreneur Derek Candelore recently welcomed his 4th Child into the World, a Baby Boy named Zayne.
Now a Father of Two Girls and Two Boys, a nice big family, indeed. We had the opportunity to interview Derek Candelore on what his Practice of Positivity means to him, what techniques he implores and the usage and functions.
Derek told us “In addition to Prayer and Meditation I have an arsenal of Weapons to make sure the Holy Spirit lives in me on a daily basis”.
Derek gave us his recipe below…

– Cutting out Sugars and Carbohydrates that cause bodily inflammation
– Filtering Water with Berkey Water Filtration System, to reduce harmful chemicals in the Water
– Natural Earth supplied, God given Supplementation, not Vaccinations
– Bone Broth and Turmeric, Black Pepper for Inflammation and Gut Health
– Prayer, Repentance and Meditation with burning of Frankensense (the gift given to the Virgin Mary on the day Jesus was born) to create a vessel from Earth to God’s ears in Heaven to hear Prayers
– Clearing of Negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and Gossip, the Bible says Thou Shalt Not Fear 365 times, the exact number of days in a year… Gossiping about others only brings down one’s vibration causing poor outcomes
– Generosity, Altruism & Building People Up, the Bible says, “To Whom Much is Given, Much is Expected” and Derek practices the use of Secret Code of giving, without recognition, or any return on generosity… Knowing, it returns, two-fold
– Love & Positivity, Derek practices always talking people up and helping others achieve ideal outcomes and growth as individuals and organizations by continually providing opportunities and helping guide a path to success
– Happiness, Derek chooses to be Happy, and loves the opportunity to look to the upside, even in the most adverse situations
– Exercise, not for vanity of big bulky, useless muscles to show off, but rather for overall wellness and longevity. Derek trains with high heart rate HIIT style training and is a retired amateur boxing champion
– Discipline, without Stress and Unworthy Concern, Derek believes life is too short to be nervous and micromanage every single detail of daily activities. He believes you only learn from experience, trial and error and that nobody walking this Earth is without flaws
– Elimination of Toxic People, Derek made it clear that a Loss of a Toxic person is actually a Win. Derek said he forgives, and wishes the best upon people who have broken his trust with words or actions, and wishes them the absolute best in life, stating “I still want them to eat, just not at our table”
– Providing for less Fortunate, Children, Elderly, Pets, Poor is something that Derek believes God has gifted Derek with the task of and he relishes in the opportunity to do so
– Understanding his personal Flaws and Weaknesses, Derek constantly studies his own personal flaws and weaknesses to make adjustments and hire others to cover areas where he is lacking
– Growth, Derek believes he is only scratching the surface in Life, his Businesses, Love and his Spiritual Journey, and plans to leave a Legacy for his Four Children, Nitalia, Carter, Giana and Zayne
– Bloodline and Legacy, Derek is an Italian, Syrian, German combination with Bloodlines to his knowledge from Italy (Venturino Candelori, Louis and Mary Candelore, Wayne Candelore and Syria via Jidul Hakim, Thomas and Betty Hakim, Susan Rife. His youngest Son, Zayne, named after his late Father, Wayne
For more on Derek, go to www.DerekCandelore.com