“If I had been more feminine and girly, people would’ve been a lot less respectful of me,” she said in an interview with High Snobriety.
Though the remark was made about her baggy style of dressing, the sentiment is the same with her hair color. Eilish reportedly did not feel sexy at all as a blond, as well as when she shows more skin in her outfit choices. Perhaps the blond, her natural hair color, makes her feel like a fish out of water. Her signature look for over a year was jet black hair with neon green roots, and the blond was a shocking change from the look that she was recognized for for so long.

Eilish also commented about her blossoming relationship with Jesse Rutherford (31), the lead singer of band The Neighbourhood. On Halloween, she made fun of everyone criticizing their age difference by dressing as a baby and Rutherford dressing as an old man. She reiterated that she is well aware of their age difference, and there is no power dynamic within the relationship that leaves her at a disadvantage.