Anna Parkman, the life coach, NLP Master Trainer in psychology and psychology student at the University of Moscow has just released her one-of-a-kind book, Apocalyptin, on Amazon.
As readers experience the story of Odi and Dina, the main characters, powerful psychological techniques will begin to help the reader heal their own trauma. “Apocalyptin works like a quick medication that helps to heal resentment and other suffering associated with psychological trauma. The unique method of combining therapeutic healing with a metaphorical tale provides an unheard-of incredible result, overcoming the resistance of the critical mind,” the book’s description reads.
Parkman’s experiences guided her to the career path she is on today as she studies Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Sexology, Child Psychology, Family Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Integral Therapy, Personality Disorders and Psychosomatics. In fact, she believes she wouldn’t have chosen to study psychology if not for her own traumatic experiences.
Parkman’s trauma stemmed from her childhood. When she was just seven, her parents divorced. As a result, she grew up with constant arguing and fighting between her parents. It was at age nine that her interest in psychology was first sparked. Parkman began obsessively reading psychology books, particularly Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. During her teen years, she continued to immerse herself in the subject, leading to the development of her own personalized coping mechanisms. This was no easy task; it took dozens of training sessions and hundreds of books to construct her plan to heal.
This amount of time and energy Parkman expended while healing her trauma is exactly why she is now so passionate about helping others through their struggles.
“If I had the opportunity to read such a book when I myself was in resentment and suffering, then I would be very grateful for the time saved,”.
Parkman says of Apocalyptin
The book’s plotline is inspired by real events that Parkman has either been through or watched her clients go through. In order for Apocalyptin to appeal to a wide range of people, she made sure to weave in the most common types of trauma.
The book was designed for readers to feel heard in their own struggles. “The book clearly describes the feelings and physical sensations of those who experience negative experiences. Resentment, hatred for offenders, the desire for revenge, a complete drop in one’s own self-esteem, anger at the whole world, etc. All possible negative reactions formed as a defense are listed,” Parkman expresses.
Additionally, Apocalyptin provides answers to questions that haunt many, such as ‘Why me?’ ‘Why did this happen or is happening to me?’ ‘Why am I unhappy?’ ‘Why can’t I get what I want?’ ‘Why can’t I find a worthy partner and live in love?’.
Psychological traps, false beliefs and thinking errors are all too common. When working with clients who experience these mental traps, Parkman has seen amazing results. Suddenly, clients are able to change how they interpret events that occur in their life. “In order not to lose your energy and not feel exhausted, you must remember that where thoughts and attention go, the energy goes there,” Parkman warns.

However, she acknowledges the difficulty associated with the healing process. “I make it clear that this is not an easy process for everyone and a traumatized person has all the reasons and rights to feel this way,” Parkman adds.
Those who finish the book will go through the same processes that the main characters go through, leading to a profound emotional impact. Due to Apocalyptin being written as a fairytale, it is able to bypass the conscious, judgemental mind and head straight to the subconscious. There, it is easiest to target trauma and its associated effects.

Parkman believes very strongly in the power of the book and its importance during the healing process. “It takes one person, one book, one experience to completely change the course of one’s life,” she asserts.
To purchase your own copy of Apocalyptin visit here.